Buddy Cops

Produced by Pitch Her Productions

This quirky 6-episode series by Sol Marina Crespo explores our unsung heroes. From TSA to parking enforcement, these civil servants are more than their uniforms; they have lives, goals, wedgies, petty disagreements, and dreams of their own. Each episode focuses on a different dynamic duo. An all-female production and creative team. Episode 1 directed by Kelly O’Donnell.

Scholastic Book Clubs

Writer and director for The Book Boys, a YouTube channel sponsored by Scholastic Book Clubs that encourages reluctant readers.
It featured employees from Scholastic and children. All of the filming took place in a green screen studio.

Sheila Rae, the Brave by Kevin Henkes
Directed by Kelly O’Donnell

The Bad Seed. Trailer Written and Directed by Kelly O’Donnell

Oh My Gosh, Mrs. McNosh!
Directed by Kelly O’Donnell

Doctor De Soto

Finding a Friend by Traci Swain
Directed by Kelly O’Donnell

Picture Book Trailers

I was the editor for three picture books trailers, illustrated by my partner, Kristy Caldwell, published by Peach Tree Publishing and Scholastic Inc.